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Excelsius Asset Management Pty Ltd (Excelsius) in its capacity as holder of Australian Financial Services Licence 506202 (AFSL), Excelsius Finance Corporation Pty Ltd as corporate authorised representative for purposes of Excelsius’s AFSL and Excelsius Funds Pty Ltd as corporate authorised representative for purposes of Excelsius’s AFSL, are the entities comprising the Excelsius Group. The following disclaimer is made in this context.

The information provided within this web site is of a general nature only. The Excelsius Group does not provide personal financial advice. You should obtain your own personal financial advice as to whether any fund or investment issued by the Excelsius Group meets your personal financial objectives and aims. Only investors that are considered wholesale or sophisticated investors can participate in any fund or investment issued or managed by the Excelsius Group. Investment in any Excelsius Group fund is not to be considered as investing in a bank term deposit. Your investment is not guaranteed and there are investment risks that may affect return of your capital. These risks and anticipated returns are detailed in the Information Memorandum and any supplementary offer document issued by the Excelsius Group for a fund or investment.  You will need to read these documents in their entirety. While the Excelsius Group will manage your investment in professional manner, returns quoted in any offer document are not forecasts or guaranteed in any manner. Similarly, past investment returns for any Excelsius Group fund or investment are not necessarily reflective of future investment returns. Investors should consider any fund or investment issued by Excelsius Group to be illiquid and the timing for repayment of your investment is typically conditional to the timing of the sale of real estate property relevant to that fund or investment.  

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