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Higher investment returns

- secured by mortgage
and/or property

Active, "hands-on" professional
investment managers


by location and choice
of mortgage and/or

property investment

Security of your investment

- first mortgage security

- property title ownership

Why invest with us?

Investment options

Mortgage investment products

We currently have a number of mortgage investment options with an IRR typically starting from
7% p.a., and secured by way of
first mortgage. 


Typically interest is payable monthly in arrears.

An investment proposal is issued to investors at the time the mortgage investment is
entered into.

Property investment products

Our property development sites are selected for their potential investment returns.

We offer an opportunity for investors to be "preferred equity" investors, with a targetted IRR
of  approx. 12% p.a. compounding (indicative target return only).

An investment proposal is issued to investors at the time the property investment is
entered into.

Note:  You will need to be a wholesale investor/sophisticated investors (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001), and you must provide an
Accountant's Certificate to qualify that you have: ​

  • Net assets of $2.5 million or above; or

  • A gross income of $250,000 for the last two financial years.​

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