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  • Writer's pictureAdam Ballan

Successful wholesale property and mortgage investing

There is no shortage of wholesale investor property and mortgage funds for you to consider. No doubt, you receive from time to time many offers from fund managers to invest in their fund. So how do you differentiate one fund from another. What should you consider?

I think the first thing is assess the people behind the fund. What experience, qualifications and track record do they have? If you are satisfied with that then assess the fund investment. Does the proposed investment make sense? Is it clear how I will earn my return and receive my investment monies back? Read the offer documents but just as importantly talk to the principals and senior management about their due diligence process. The important point is how they have assessed the risks for that particular investment.

Lastly and perhaps one of the most important points for you to consider is where do investors sit in the pecking order?

At Excelsius our motto is ‘investors first’. We do not typically earn the major part of our fees until investors have been paid. This ensures our goals are aligned with those of our investors. This is not the case with some fund managers.

Just a few things for you to consider. We welcome your inquiry or questions that you may have.


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